


Is there anything you can believe that there is a real retribution in the world?

Many people always feel that karma is only a matter of the past life and this life, and it is too ethereal. These things in this paper are the causes and consequences of the world around us.

Cause and effect is in the present, where does it need to wait for the coming world? In the evil work, what kind of result is the heavy weight that life can bear?
















I began to believe that retribution was after telling me something to my best friend.

Best friend abbreviated as little T, little T junior high school has a male classmate named S. S always unifies almost the whole class to bully and abuse little T.

S study is not bad, little T study is better, at that time she was in the top five in the key middle school class, but to tell the truth, little T, from my best friend's point of view, is a little ugly.

So that S very despised little T, little T used to cry to me, S often after class in front of the class shouting laughing little T ugly, others teased and echoed S.

My best friend is very timid, but also feel that he can not provoke that S, (he is very good at playing games, good popularity) dare not scold back, secretly begged S not to always scold her, she knows that she is ugly, in the future less in front of him in the way.

Who knows S scoff said: "can't blame me scolding you, look at your face I have a kind of scolding desire, hurry home and your mother with plastic surgery!" Xiao T told me that once she bought a plush toy for her classmate as a birthday present. As soon as she brought it, she was snatched and thrown into the ground by S and other boys in the class to kick the ball. When she saw it in the corner, she was no longer like when she was about to attend class.

She was bullied because she was ugly.

As we all know, the hearts of adolescent girls are very sensitive and fragile, and the shadow left by this time has a great psychological impact on the future.

Xiao T and I are neighbors, but also primary school classmates, more than a decade of friendship, I looked at her inferiority complex for so many years, so far dare not look in the mirror, dare not wear beautiful clothes, very uncomfortable.

Because when she was in junior high school, every time she wore her mother's new coat, she would be ridiculed. If her coat looked good, the people in the class would say, "Little T, your coat is really good. If you change your head, it will look even better, ."

If it doesn't look good, they'll say, "Why are your clothes as ugly as you are?" There are a lot of things to stop talking about so as not to get in trouble.

The point is, that S had nasal cancer the year before last, in the middle and late stages, when we were all senior three years ago. I was stunned when T told me the news!

That's all. I felt gloomy when I heard the news that S was terminally ill. Is there really retribution in the world? I kind of believe it anyway.




My middle school math teacher grew a good skin, not only often sleep with girls! Still love to take advantage of girls!

Later, the son was quite big, and the physical examination found that he was sterile! The son is not his! I've raised my son for years! Divorce is over! Retribution!






In the seven sets of "getting Rich Sutra" broadcast by the Central Committee, we saw a man raising snakes, killing snakes, selling snakes and processing snake products, making millions of dollars.

While my mother and I were watching the show, my mother said, "this man's generation will not be rewarded, and the next generation will be rewarded."

This no, broadcast for about 20 minutes, began to talk about this man how not easy, his daughter was born with cerebral palsy, can not sit, the whole body soft collapse.

My mother said, "look, it's his daughter. Didn't he kill a snake? he gave birth to a daughter like a snake."






Let me tell you something that goes well.

My grandmother was born in 1917. She is 95 years old. Her hair is not completely white. She has nothing wrong with her except that she is slightly deaf. The leg is not good and she wrapped the small feet, but it is not a big problem.

She used to serve her mother-in-law and her own mother until she died, no regrets, hard work, so now she is strong and sound like a bell.

And I'm starting to believe in good people.





I know a pair of father and daughter have a bad heart, all day to calculate others, do not take advantage of others, the two men can not sleep. My daughter is my classmate. She bullied me since I was a child.

When I grew up, I learned that she was divorced. Unfortunately, the house was awarded to the man.

The father and daughter took advantage of a lifetime, and it was not easy to save money to buy a house. In the end, they fell into the hands of others and were busy in vain. Therefore, people can not make bad, can not calculate, must be greedy for small and cheap to bear a big loss!




All things that happen in a person's life, whether good or bad, are self-generated and self-generated.

Cause and effect are real, independent of human will. For most people, they do not know that there is cause and effect in the world, but cause and effect will not be ineffective because people do not know it. It is operating accurately every moment. It is precisely because most people do not know cause and effect, let alone believe in cause and effect, that conflicts and mutual harm occur all the time in the world. Harm is harm yourself, help is also help yourself, if people know this law and comply with, the world will be able to harmony.
