张军检察长在知乎上回答网友提问 :办好每一个案件,为企业发展提供优质法治保障
【#张军检察长在知乎上回答网友提问# :办好每一个案件,为企业发展提供优质法治保障】3月9日,最高人民检察院检察长张军在问答社区知乎就涉案企业合规改革试点回答网友提问。他表示,开展涉案企业合规改革试点,直接目的是要“防止不当办一个案件,垮掉一个企业”,避免“案子办了、企业垮了”的情况。更高的目标是“通过办好每一个案件,积极营造法治化营商环境,促进企业规范发展”。下一步,检察机关将全面总结前两期涉案企业合规改革试点工作的经验做法,部署在全国检察机关全面推开这项改革,并深入开展企业合规立法建议的研究论证工作,适时提出完善相关立法建议。Zhang Jun, procurator-general of the Supreme People's Procuratorate of China, on Wednesday answered netizens' questions about the pilot reform of enterprise compliance on the online question and answer community Zhihu. "The direct purpose of carrying out the reform is to prevent the improper handling of legal cases that would result in the collapse of the related enterprise; the higher goal is to actively create a law-based business environment and promote the standardized development of enterprises," Zhang noted.