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Offer:巴斯大学 布里斯托大学 伦敦国王学院 伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院

Lack of management can lead to disastrous outcomes, and my home country, Russia, has suffered from these in dramatic proportions for decades. Its business inefficiency has led to people being devastated by unemployment and poverty, including my own family. A shortage of competent managers has also been one of the reasons for the magnitude of the recession during the credit crunch. Constant bribery and dishonesty at all levels has resulted in Russia losing trust and becoming almost impossible to negotiate with. Rampant corruption and misuse of state funds has led to, at best, economic stagnation, or, in the worst case, significant economic decline.

In my opinion, things have to change, and I want to contribute to that change。My initiation into management consisted of tracing its development over time through Drucker's "Management - tasks, responsibilities, practices"。 To gain an even better insight, I obtained a work placement as a secretary to the chief executive in a company called "Thermal Project Solutions", which drafts projects for the oil and gas market。 It was a perfect opportunity for me to look closely at theoretical techniques being applied to real decision-making。

It was particularly challenging to make sure everything operates smoothly, because the company sold such a complex product and dealt with many overseas companies as well as freelance workers。 My conclusion was that even the seemingly small decisions of executives are crucial,necessitating a prompt and relevant response。 Sometimes because of the time difference it was necessary to work at night, or early in the morning。 This experience taught me that one has to work long hours in order to achieve success。

Furthermore, the efficiency of the company led me to the judgment that full-scale renovation of the Russian economy according to Western standards is possible if corruption can be eliminated on a micro level。 The placement also helped me to understand how important it is for me to work with people, to see the results of my efforts, and feel that my work does make a difference。

To deepen my knowledge of the subject I also read "Managerial dilemmas: exploiting paradox for strategic leadership" by John Storey and Graeme Salaman, and "The Fatal Equilibrium" by Marshall Jevons. Periodicals such as "The Economist" help me to keep up to date.

I have always tried to change things for the better, and therefore have tended to aim for leading positions. In my first school I was honored to become a prefect, as well as the head of the Student Council. During the first year of college, I was elected vice president of the Eastern European Society, and this year I was re-elected as a president. These experiences only strengthened my confidence that I have what it takes to become a manager.I try to be serious in everything I do, and my extracurricular activities are no exception.

One of my favorite hobbies is photography, and in my AS year I won the best A level student of the year award, and became part of the executive board of the Photography Club. Photography has taught me to look at the world from a different angle and to pay attention to the smallest details. Besides that, I enjoy music; I attended a specialist musical school in Russia for 8 years, and as I came to the UK I became a part of a jazz band, regularly performing in college concerts. I was also part of both the college choir and the chamber choir, which taught me persistence and determination. Another passion of mine is drama. I was an actress in a Youth Theatre troupe called "Plastilin" in Moscow, taking part in prize winning productions, as well as performing in orphanages and hospitals. Moreover, I was also involved in the Philosophy Club and the Economics Club, discussing in depth both philosophical and economic issues.

I am confident that I will both learn from and contribute to a degree course in Management, and look forward to the challenges of university study.


1. 申请者开篇谈俄国经济问题,并强调管理学在其中的重要地位。首段立足国家经济,从宏观视野展现申请者对管理学敏感且独特的认识,自然而来,引出学习管理的理想追求。

2. 首段描述过长,进入主题太慢,建议再浓缩精简。

3. 攻读管理专业最重要的是工作经验,申请者重点介绍了在一个项目中的具体作用,并谈了从中学到的有关管理决策的实践知识,申请者在此又提到对俄国经济重新认知,呼应首段。

4. 申请者略谈了几本对其产生影响的经济类书刊,建议具体谈一本著作或刊物的影响,会更有说服力,如果篇幅太长,则考虑取舍,千万不要挖坑给自己跳。

5. 最后,申请者谈了在校活动,成为学生会主席显示申请者的领导力和管理能力,这是管理学非常看重的品质,另外,申请者的爱好非常广泛,包括摄影、爵士乐、戏剧,还参加了哲学、经济学俱乐部。同样,如果篇幅有余,可以选择一项特别才能加以描述,甚至可以扯回管理专业。
